tiofalt ifrån Jamie Stewart
>>> 1
what is your favorite color for an executioner's hood?
Gräddvit med inslag av hundtandsmönster i karmosinrött. Decimeterlånga fransar i nederkant som flyter ut till en livboj runt halsen.
>>> 2
would you rather your name was joan, jane or jean?
>>> 3
when you wear all red do you feel like yourself or do you feel like the center of the planet earth?
Kan inte föreställa mig själv i helrött. Med full koncentration kommer jag så långt som till en röd tischa & röda manchesterbrallor, men bältet & skorna förblir hela tiden svarta.
>>> 4
is your day ever so stupid that you sit in the back of a van & try to jerk off but just give up half way through & sit in the dark?
Nej, men det oroar mig en smula att jag spontant känner en överväldigande sympati med situationen som sådan.
>>> 5
is there someone you are in close contact with that whenever you talk to them they pause & then look at you like you are an idiot?
Ja (dagligen).
>>> 6
what does it take for you to cross the border from lubricated to morose?
Allt över två fingrar i diameter.
>>> 7
when you are being a drama queen, but are referred to as a drama king, does that deflate your sense of whiny power?
Nej, ty mitt gnäll är befriat ifrån, & så kolossalt mycket viktigare än, genus.
>>> 8
what is your favorite flavor of jizz?
Kanel. Eller vänta...polka?
>>> 9
where do you wish you never had to go again & whom do you wish you never had to think about again?
Barcelona/Jan Myrdal.
>>> 10
if you had to make a list of 10 things you are interested in, could you do it?
Ostsnacks/internvaliditet/calvados/trivia/symmetri/DDR/non-league/analoga ljud/perception/béarnaisesås.
(alla frågor härifrån)
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